Saturday, March 14, 2020

2109 Summary- The Ski Report

OK, so it's been a spell since I posted. I suppose my original idea of blogging about all adventures was taken over by Instagram Stories and the old school social media, Facebook. 2019 started on skis, and really all the best parts of the winter involved skiing (or something like it.)

It all started with the welcoming of 2019. Sue, Julie, and I, along with three others spent the New Year's weekend on a Nordic hut to hut tour through Sister's Backcountry. I highly recommend this.


Later in the winter, I shared a story from last year's OTT adventure at a Boldly Went live show. It is going to be on their podcast later this summer. At the show, I won a raffle prize of an entry to a ski mountaineering (skimo) race. My goodness, that was a hard day, but quite satisfying. I got 3rd out of 5 ladies, so that was rad.  I think I will do another one next year because pushing your legs and lungs to the edge is a good reminder that you are in your mid 40s, but still rocking with the kids.

Then on a Wednesday in May, Jocelyn texted me, "Do you want to climb Adams on Saturday? Camp at trailhead. Alpine Start." I responded "Sure" and then spend 3 days half dreading the 6 mile uphill walk , but so excited to finally climb Mt. Adams. It was hard. Super duper hard, but very rewarding. We did not summit, with skis and heavy packs, but I can see that happening later this summer.

2109 Summary- The Ski Report

OK, so it's been a spell since I posted. I suppose my original idea of blogging about all adventures was taken over by Instagram Stories...